As a Save the Children LIFETIMES Supporter, you can do even more than save a child’s life. You can set them up for a healthy, productive future too.
Save the Children, with support from generous New Zealanders like you, will always help vulnerable children survive conflict, disaster, poverty and emergencies.
But survival isn’t enough when children stay trapped in suffering, unable to realise their potential. All around the world, children face huge barriers to having good childhoods and the safe, healthy and fulfilling lives they deserve.
We need to do more than save children’s lives.
Save the Children is looking for extraordinary New Zealanders who will go above-and-beyond to set children up for good futures.
How does it work?
With a gift of $5,000 or more, you’ll help make a powerful, lasting difference for children.
You’ll stand with them as we tackle the barriers standing in the way of the lives they deserve.
Your gift can be directed towards a specific programme which is helping children reach a secure, productive adulthood, or it can go towards wherever the need is greatest.
Your impact on the world’s children now will be felt for their lifetime.
We'd love to hear from you!
If you would like to learn more about how your support can make a powerful and lasting difference for children, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Philanthropy & Engagement Director, Jason.
Jason Cowlam, Philanthropy & Engagement Director
Phone: 022 680 5395
You can help children and families trapped in poverty
Our supporters often equip families with simple farming practices, so they can earn enough to feed their children and send them to school.
As a LIFETIMES Supporter, you can provide families with climate-smart and women-friendly farming technologies to transform their children’s wellbeing. Or you could help young people start their own micro-enterprises and lift their families out of poverty.
Nhem* wanted to send his son Tem* to school, but couldn’t afford it. He barely made enough as a farmer to feed his family from week to week.
When Nhem heard Save the Children was training local farmers in climate-resilient farming methods, he doubted it could help his family.
But after one year in the programme, Nhem’s cucumber farm now makes eight times what it did.
He’s also growing and selling other high value crops.
Now Nhem can provide his son with food, clothes and medicine – essentials he needs to live. What’s more, he can send Tem to school and give him the opportunity to realise his potential in life.
As a LIFETIMES Supporter, you can help children like Tem survive poverty and set them up for healthy, productive futures.